Pamir Gold Feminized

Pamir Gold Feminized


Each pack contains: 3, 5 or 10 Female Seeds

Pamir Gold originated in the western Himalayas of Tadzjikistan. The plant was adapted to the high altitudes of the Swiss Alpes during several years of selective breeding. Once selected seeds were reproduced in the Netherlands. Pamir Gold is a mostly Indica variety (60%,40%) having a sweet earthy taste with a breath of lemon and pear. Healthy plants are 1.5 to 1.8 meters in height outdoors. Mold and mildew resistant. Yield: above average. Does also well indoors. Subtile stone/high.

  • Flowering time 7.0 weeks
  • Outdoor
  • Feminized cannabis seeds
  • High Altitude
  • Greenhouse
  • Production L
  • Indica/Sativa

Please remember these seeds are for souvenir or novelty purposes only. They are not to be germinated.
The pictures and descriptions have been created by the seed breeders who operate within a country with a legal and tolerant view of cannabis cultivation. This website and its owners in no-way incite or encourage people to break the law.