Portela Feminized

Portela Feminized

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Each pack contains: 3, 5 or 10 Female Seeds

Alchimia presents here Portela from R-Kiem Seeds, a mostly Sativa feminised marijuana strain born from the cross between Jamaican Lambsbread and ICER. Portela plants grow vigorous, develop lots of reisn glands and have a complex and intense Haze scent.

This hybrid develops a strong rootball, what usually means vigorous growth. In this way, R-Kiem Seeds recommends a growth period no longer than 3 weeks indoors, or using the LST or the SCROG technique .

The ICER genes (SFV OG Kush x Ice Cream) reduce the flowering time while enhancing bud density. Portela is ready to harvest after 9 weeks of bloom indoors, at early October outdoors.

The smell and taste - a pleasant blend of Haze and citric notes - are intense, so using anti odour systems is highly recommended.

Portela won the 3rd prize Indoor Bio category during the 2014 Barcelona Cannabis Cahmpions Cup.

  • Genetics: Jamaican Lambsbread x ICER
  • Type: Feminised seeds
  • Indoor Flowering: 9 weeks
  • Outdoor Harvest: early October

Please remember these seeds are for souvenir or novelty purposes only. They are not to be germinated.
The pictures and descriptions have been created by the seed breeders who operate within a country with a legal and tolerant view of cannabis cultivation. This website and its owners in no-way incite or encourage people to break the law.