Amnesia Haze Feminized

Amnesia Haze Feminized


Each pack contains: 3, 5 or 10 Female Seeds

After the haze genetics came to Holland and several hybrids were made, an American expat would later combine one of these hybrids with a male derived from old school haze seeds creating the Amnesia Haze. We felt our collection of marijuana seeds would not be complete without one of the best hazes to ever be smoked, so we got a hold of some Amnesia and made feminised seeds.

Our Amnesia haze is a well maintained plant growing just over a metre tall, to about 1.2m. She can be grown outdoors but will require hot weather like Australia, North Africa and California, however may need to be grown in a greenhouse due to her long flower period.

Amnesia haze is one of our best yielding cannabis strains, producing 70-80 g per plant with up to 650+- g per metre squared under a 600w light. She can produce big outside, with full sun, reaching as much as 700g per plant. However extra care should be taken outdoors as this is a sensitive plant, so problems with weather, bugs or irrigation will harm your final harvest.

The only down side with Amnesia haze is the long flower time required of 12 weeks. Although this is high enough to make most commercial growers run for the hills, true cannabis connoisseurs will find the wait more than worth it. Amnesia haze is suitable for both hydro and soil grows, sea/screen of green too.

  • THC: 22%
  • CBD: Medium
  • Yield Indoor : 600 - 650 gr/m2
  • Yield Outdoor: 650 - 700 gr/plant
  • Height Indoor: 80 - 140 cm
  • Height Outdoor: 175 - 210 cm
  • Flowering: 10 - 11 weeks
  • Harvest month: Late October
  • Genetic Background: Original Amnesia Haze
  • Type: Sa 70% In 30% Ru 0%
  • Effect: Extremely high, long-lasting, body relaxing
  • Climate: Mild Warm

Please remember these seeds are for souvenir or novelty purposes only. They are not to be germinated.
The pictures and descriptions have been created by the seed breeders who operate within a country with a legal and tolerant view of
cannabis cultivation. This website and its owners in no-way incite or encourage people to break the law.