El Patron Feminized

El Patron Feminized


Each pack contains: 3, 5 or 10 Female Seeds

El Patron was created by crossbreeding parent strains AMG and Shiva. AMG (Amnesia Mac Ganja) is a sativa-dominant hybrid that packs a THC level of 22% and stimulating effects. In contrast, Shiva is an indica strain that offers tastes of cardamom and a therapeutic high. By crossing these cultivars, our breeders created a well-balanced hybrid that features 60% sativa genetics and 40% indica. El Patron is loaded with THC and fruity terpenes.

Some smokers adore a sativa buzz, whereas others value an indica body high. El Patron occupies the sweet spot between these territories. The strain provides both of these effects in near-perfect balance. After vaping or smoking her flowers, you’ll notice and initial head high set in. Your neurons will get excited, you’ll become more alert, and creative thoughts will rise to the surface. Eventually, this effect descends into a soothing body high that encourages reflection and contemplation. The multifaceted effects of El Patron make her a strain for any time of day. She’s a good social cultivar for parties and a perfect candidate for moments of solitude.

El Patron is a favourite among cannabis chefs. Her flowers produce potent tastes and smells of citrus and kush. Together, these flavours go down well in cakes, brownies, and other sweet recipes.

El Patron isn’t fussy. She grows exceptionally well in both indoor and outdoor environments. Her indica genetics come to the fore in terms of growth pattern. She’s relatively short and produces a lot of lateral growth. Cultivators can tame her wild nature through topping and LST. Both indoor and outdoor plants provide a medium yield.
  • Lineage: AMG x Shiva
  • THC: 22%
  • Indica/Sativa: 40%/60%
  • Flowering Time: 8-10 Weeks
  • Flavour: Spices, herbs



Please remember these seeds are for souvenir or novelty purposes only. They are not to be germinated.
The pictures and descriptions have been created by the seed breeders who operate within a country with a legal and tolerant view of
cannabis cultivation. This website and its owners in no-way incite or encourage people to break the law.