Tar Regular

Tar Regular


Each pack contains: 12 Regular Seeds 

Tar by Archive Seed Bank is the resulting progeny of the incredible Moonbow #112, hit by the pollen from the iconic Face Off OG BX1. The resulting progeny are gorgeous, sticky, kush-dominant strains coated in resin so captivating and glimmering that it looks like it has been laced with salt crystals.

The tar is a seriously tall and lanky plant with a classic Kush dominant growth pattern and flavour/ smoke profile spiked with hints of the 112 in the background. Those phenotypes with a deep purple tinge will lean towards the Moonbow #112.

Face Off OG is an old-school clone-only OG Kush variety that Archive Seed Bank has held for decades, and a male stud from the Bx1 has been used as a pollinator for several Archive Seed Banks' elite hybrids.

  • Genetics: Moonbow #112 x Face Off BX1
  • Flowering Times: 60-70 Days
  • Yields: Medium/High


Please remember these seeds are for souvenir or novelty purposes only. They are not to be germinated.
The pictures and descriptions have been created by the seed breeders who operate within a country with a legal and tolerant view of cannabis cultivation. This website and its owners in no-way incite or encourage people to break the law.