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A slight reprieve....the calm before the storm...

Wow! What a busy few months! You guys are certainly snapping up Ethos like an nice cold drink after a hot dab; we might have slipped up and not blogged about the latest releases (InZane In The Membrane, Zsweet InZanity, etc...) but not that it mattered, the majority of them sold out within two weeks!  Not to panic though, there's more on the way!

The next drop will have a restock of everything that's currently out of stock, so yes, that's right, it includes the long-awaited resupply of Mandarin Cookies and Banana Hammock!! There's plenty to go round this time, but we still recommend you're quick!

We also have a few new breeders on the way, some Dutch, some US, but you'll have to stay tuned to find out more!


As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!

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